I miss it, I miss everything about it. I
was always the pessimist; I always told people that distance always makes
friendships fade. I always believed that. And then people told me that wasn’t
how it always went, that I was being a pessimist and that if you invested
enough in a friendship and continued to do so long distance, they wouldn’t
fade. I flippen believed them! And I was right the whole time, because Im
watching more than one friendship slowly fade out right in front of me. And I
am investing all I have to invest, and its not working. Its hard, and I knew it
would change. It just sometimes hits me worse than others I guess.
Im thinking of coming back… actually, I am
coming back if I can find a place to live. Im accepted to the University of
Fraser Valley and the only thing standing between me and coming home is living.
If I can find a room to rent I will be moving back. And Im SO excited, except,
I think that’s why the friendship thing is so hard. Im worried because of this
fade that happened in so many areas, that now going back might be weird, like
“ya we said bye, so why are you back here?” sorta thing. Then on the other
hand, I know it will be fine, I know it will work out one way or the other
because it always does. I just over think everything and over analyze
everything. Life is so crazy sometimes. But at least I can hold to one thing.
God is always sovereign. This storm is tough, but I know my boats not sinkin',
Im never in over my head and I know (eventually) I will make it out the other
side stronger… someday ha, hope that’s coming soon cause this flippen boat is
really leaky.